Novogodišnji izazov

Za novu godinu daj sebi najlepši poklon

Ispred tebe su samo 3 nedelje kroz koje
možeš da započneš svoju promenu.

Dočekaj fit 2024.

Da li si spremna?

Budi inspiracija sebi I drugima.

Zakorači u svet fitnesa kroz tronedeljni izazov.

Pomoćiću ti da kroz svaki trening I svaku vežbu budeš korak bliže najboljoj verziji sebe!

Važno je da veruješ u sebe I da NE ODUSTAJEŠ!

Svaka upornost će se isplatiti, a ti češ biti nagrađena promenama na svom telu I u samopouzdanju.


The challenge lasts 3 weeks, a total of 16 different trainings. New workouts are unlocked every week

Trainings are adapted for the place that suits you best.

Free space in the room, an empty gym, outside if you enjoy nature…

These trainings last 50 minutes and differ from each other.

The HIIT training will be short but intense so that you burn a lot of calories in a short time.

We will sweat a lot, shake up and be more functional after this type of training, so I recommend that you do them in some earlier hours of the day.

Through the warm-up, we will raise the body temperature and prepare our muscles and joints for the effort that follows.

We do the warm-up together and it will last 15 minutes.

I will show you a couple of exercises to stretch after training, to be more mobile and functional.

I recommend that you introduce stretching into your daily routine in order to avoid
muscle spasms and decrease in range of motion.

I will help you learn how to combine the ingredients yourself so that the meal is complete and of high quality.

I will explain the importance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and when it is best to consume them.

You will also get a couple of sweet, healthy recipes, because you can consume that too – of course.

You get support through viber/whatsapp/Instagram/facebook group.

I am available for all doubts and possible questions, and I will answer
as soon as possible and in as much detail as possible.

By signing up for this challenge, you get the chance to win another program absolutely FREE.
We will do the stomach program 6 times a week, and it will help you achieve the best results in just 15 minutes.


Šta KAŽU drugi?

Najčešće postavljena pitanja

Program je za sve žene i devojke koje žele za kratak vremenski period, kroz intenzivan i predan rad, ostvare maksimalne rezultate, promene svoje životne navike i dočekaju Novu Godinu sa uspehom u staroj.

Program je namenjem svim nivoima i starosnim grupama.
Za svaku vežbu postoji lakša i teža opcija, a vi birate onu koja je pogodna vašim fizičkim sposobnostima.

Potrebno ti je:
Dva veća tega (5,6,7,8kg) – koristiće se uglavnom za noge i ostale višezglobne vežbe.
Dva manja tega (2,3,4kg) – koristiće se za manje mišićne grupe i izolaciju poput ruku.

Mogu učestvovati svi, sa svih prostora, bez ikakvih ograničenja.

Treninzi su snimljeni i možete ih raditi kad vama najviše odgovara u toku dana, nedelje, radite ih sve vreme sa mnom.

Materijal je dostupan 3 nedelje i jos 2 dodatne nedelje nakon izazova, pri čemu se sav materijal gasi i nakon dve nedelje i više nemate pristup tom materijalu.

-vežbajte u rashlađenoj i većoj prostoriji
-pored sebe imajte flašicu hladne vode
-kad vam vežba postane teška i umorite se, slobodno koritite opcije i nastavite vešbanje laganijim imtenzitetom
-nakon treniga se dobro rastegnite kako bi poboljšale fleksibilnost


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Pokreni se odmah!